(164 replies, posted in Sinclair)

looks like it was the emulator (fuse) that i was using that was the issue after all, tried the .tap export on a different one and it seems to work ok. thanks for looking into it though! ive had a lot of fun with this software.


(164 replies, posted in Sinclair)

anyone know if theres an undocumented limit on length of track? i have a .1tm work in progress at the moment that doesnt seem to export to tap successfully. rather it gives a .tap but with opening 1st note only.

may be of interest to some of you with respect to early electronic music (this goes back to the 1930s). may not count as 1-bit per se, but low level for sure!


And here's a clip of it in action. Love how visually pleasing it is as well : )

guess who found a working ti83 in the local charity shop for £10 tongue   ht2.30 works like a dream on it - think that's my commute to work activity sorted for a good couple of weeks at least! just wanted to say thanks once again for a great piece of software and for showing me how to make tunes on it last year. hopefully i'll have something made in time for winter chip that's currently on (if they add wildchip category, that is)


(35 replies, posted in Other Platforms)

dang this is fascinating stuff. love to see where this leads in the future smile


(2 replies, posted in Sinclair)

botb's annual winter compo is upon us once again, including zx beeper as a format if you are interested in joining smile also includes channel f as well.


(51 replies, posted in Sinclair)

Theres no rush smile You've done a great job with this.


(51 replies, posted in Sinclair)

im in windows smile thanks irrlicht! oh, I should show you what I've tried out so far..

https://www.dropbox.com/s/lwrcmeda6u00b … t.mp3?dl=1


(51 replies, posted in Sinclair)

entering modifiers without an associated note would be a super useful thing in the long run, if it just applied the modifier to whatever came before it - for a practical example, you could then make a fxtable that has a modifier going down or up rapidly and then you have a portamento effect that you can apply to any note (or, to expand the idea, oscillating the note modifier up and down to allow for a vibrato effect)

ctrl-p i would call a 'tracker quirk' since id expect everyone to intuitively try ctrl-v to paste and then find its not what they thought but its not terrible to work around smile


(51 replies, posted in Sinclair)

hey thanks for this software, been trying it out today (with some copious reads of the manual) - the phasesqueek engine is immense! I dont know how you managed to fit so many options and channels into one engine smile
Thx also for the examples, as I wasn't sure how to use the fxtables until I looked at those.

suggestions so far would be

-a way to know which current block is being played back.
-shortcut to play a block from a selected frame rather than the very start of a block.
-i miss ctrl-v being ctrl-v ;( but ctrl-p is just as good i guess tongue
-a way to select, copy and paste note modifiers on their own (independent of the notes)


(130 replies, posted in Sinclair)

utz congrats on the win. was a kickass track!


(17 replies, posted in Sinclair)

holy ... wow. This is a cool development. Well, when there's another beeper compo coming up, I'll need to remind myself of this one! May need someone with a speccy to render it though smile


(9 replies, posted in Sinclair)

It's no understatement to say that the 1-bit development is progressing so much faster than the rest of the chipscene. There seems to be more updates, engine creations and overall activity that I can't keep up with it, haha! Keep up the good work smile

Thank you. I've contacted the tilp developer. He was able to sort out the installation issue.

Now I'm getting a seperate issue with regards to step 7 in your installing ht2 guide for TI-82.

I get as far as receiving crashOS, (well, I think I do). Once I go into transmission mode again to try and send ht2.82p, the calc will say "receiving" and do the little animation on the side, get stuck, and TiLP gives the error "Msg: checksum error. Cause: a transmission error. Try again."

- At this point I have the option to retry skip or cancel. Retrying gives this message from TiLP instead;

"Msg: timeout occured while reading from the device.
Cause: check that link cable is plugged and/or the calculator is ready."

The calc crashes on "Receiving" and you have to remove the batteries to restart it.

Sure it was windows vista (32 bit)

That beta version gave a different dll being missing post-installation (libticables2-7.dll rather than 2-6).

Sorry I should have kept the VM at the time for debug purposes when it happened, but a week or so ago I deleted it. I'm not sure I have the stamina for another run of manual compiling and learning what linux is.

I appreciate all the help that you have given, but I think that's it for now. Perhaps in the future I may pay to get it installed by someone more skilled on a computer than I am smile

sadly i tried your suggestion and it came up with the familiar missing ticables dll error, and not connecting to the usb device.

I tried a linux VM also - after manually compiling it, the end result was that it didn't flag up an error with the ticables library, but with the ticalcs library instead.

Any workarounds to not using Tilp at all?


(5 replies, posted in Sinclair)

Ahh thanks guys! Credit to the engine and tracker author shiru of course.
To be honest, there's a lot in that engine that I didn't try out yet - I hope some others take a look at phaser3 and get all exploity with it smile

Yep, I think I am at garvalf's option, after uninstalling everything and doing a prior tilp install, it gives a missing libticables2-5.dll instead of 2-6, haha smile Thanks for the suggestion!

I forgot to mention, the latest tilp install gives an error if you check that you want to download and install the latest gtk runtime during the install - you have to find that gtk install elsewhere for tilp to want to install, too.

I've seen a few youtube vids of people getting tilp to work on linux real easy, I'm guessing the software was native to linux before it was ported to windows.

May take some time to get that setup, but ill let you know once I try that smile I am by no stretch giving up!

I have tried, but TI Connect does not support TI 82 calculators.

Im having problems getting the crash shell onto my ti-82 before i start with putting ht2 on it.

It is to do with TILP not recognising my device to be able to send files over. When I try and get TILP to scan to find my TI-82 (using silverlink cable), it times out with the 'done!' message after 20 seconds of not finding anything.

Any ideas?

It might be because I got an error when I installed TILP - it could not install the file libticables2-6.dll . I had to manually find that dll elsewhere on the interenet, add it into the TILP directory for TILP to want to run.

Tried reinstalling TILP and it comes up with the same error with the dll, so if it is that, then I'm not sure where to go from there.


(130 replies, posted in Sinclair)

I should be okay then, I think the kind of .tap files generated by beepola and 1tracker are the ones that play automatically on load. Thanks for the reply smile


(130 replies, posted in Sinclair)

I will probably up for participating in this. I just have a question about the particulars of the format -

"Module must be compiled to executable Basic file or data file with total instruction about places of player and initialization and name of tracker. " - is a .tap ok? Or would it need to be something else?

I don't really know much about player routines to say about places of player and initialisation either.


(2 replies, posted in Sinclair)

Thanks utz! Ill give those kinds of things a try. Sounds similar to the techniques best used for preparing samples for the nes DPCM channel.


(2 replies, posted in Sinclair)

Just wanted to get people's thoughts on the topic, as there are an increasing amount of engines that support customiseable drums.

At the moment I'm using 1tracker with phaser3 engine. There is an option to import wavs of custom drums - when it comes to playing them, they end up sounding pretty unrecogniseable from the original wav, even when tweaking the length and threshold parameters.

The example tune for phaser3 does give some pretty clear drum instruments, so I'll just use those for now - but it would be nice to know how you go about generating them smile