doorsCS7 won't be shown in the PRGM menu, but in the APPS menu!


(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I love this. I own a Tesla Coil... but it's a very tiny one, bought for a few € on aliexpress. You can send some music in it. I've done it but the sound is very weak. I've tried to record it on video but we can barely hear it.

nice as well!
I've compiled it for linux, but I doubt it's very usable without the specific GUI:

I'll try to use it with chipwave in my next tune!!


(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

it looks great castpixel!

I suppose the "Off Topic" or even in this case "General Discussion: Talk about all things 1-bit" are still relevant for such things...


(7 replies, posted in Sinclair)

it sounds and looks very neat!! Well done, I love it!

amazing... I managed to remove the references to the GUI and compile it on Linux!!
Basically I've added #include <cstdlib> at the beginning, I've downloaded the SDK from (there is the link to steinberg's website), and I've followed the help there: … Linux.html

Then I've run those commands:
g++ -fPIC -c -I/tmp/VST_SDK/VST2_SDK -D__cdecl="" chipwave.cpp
g++ -shared  -o *.o

and got the VST in Linux format!

And the best part is it's working in Ardour (which cannot load VST in windows format, unfortunately, but as a workaround I was using the Festige app which can load windows VST in .dll and it can be rerouted to Ardour using Jack)

I've put my binary there if someone is interested:

do you think it would be possible to compile it on Linux for getting a native vst? But it looks there are some windows only calls in this one...

Shiru, this ChipWave VST is indeed very interesting! I like it very much!

I've begun a short tune with it, it's a WIP yet, but it's only using your synth, no other one (but some reverb and eq effects):

Just found this, haven't tried it yet!

He said he's using a Teensy 3.6, I've ordered a 3.2, we'll see if it works anyway.

Hi, sorry for the answering delay, haven't been on the forum for a few days...
For adding a library, there is an option in "sketches" => include library => add zip library, but I suppose what you did was correct. You should see the new library in the menu anyway, in "contributed libraries".

1.6.4 is not the most recent version but anyway, most if not all arduino versions should work. I've just tried with 1.6.5 and it's ok for me.

When I upload a sketch, I must unplug the midi cable from the garvuino, otherwise it won't upload (anyway there should be an error when trying to do so with a midi cable plugged).
When I play a note, the "rx" led is blinking. When I push the switch button, there is a sound, and the blue led (on the board) is blinking as well. Is it the same for you?

Can you try uploading the sid_player sketch? is there sound with it?

thanks Shiru!


(37 replies, posted in Other Platforms)

more fun with this engine...

I've added a knob and and I can slowdown the replay of the song:

  current_speed = constrain(map(knob_value,0,1023, 2, 20),2, 20);


(10 replies, posted in Other Platforms)

Still having some fun with this engine port on Arduino. Here is a recording from a new tune published on Battle of the Bits: … ht+/27390/
You can listen to the difference with the ZX Spectrum version on this page (the first song in the list at the time of writing):

I've seen Abrimaal just released a new cool and crazy beeper album:

you can listen to it there:

One of my favorites is DoomBass, but I enjoy also some Tim Follin like tunes such as MidiaNoctum, Red Sector Intro or Love at the First Beep!

@utz sure, I try to always keep a few boards in advance. I've only sold 3 so far but I haven't advertise it everywhere. I'll order a new batch of PCB soon. In the case I won't sell the first batch, I'll make a great beeper orchestra will all the extra boards! smile

@AtariTufty: the doc should explain all, I hope (I've just updated it today). If it's not clear tell me and I'll try to improve it. I've already converted the track to a library (.h file) so it's easier.

I've just pushed on the qchan repositories a few songs from AtariTufty's excellent album 1-bit mechanistic: … uino_qchan

I hadn't the source for them but I forgot beepola's excellent feature to import / rip songs from .tap files.

And it sounds pretty well on the Arduino, especially Robotix!

given the high number of abstractions, is it possible to run the "sketches" or code from micro:bit on the Calliope mini? I think too they are great products for education, and also for quick development of easy things (like on arduino actually).


(166 replies, posted in Sinclair)

New engines, very impressive!

Someone I know has found a way to compile 1tracker for 64 bit. He made a (linux) script to fix this. Basically it retrieves the original angelscript code, change a few words, and recompile everything (because I think some code was precompiled for 32bit in angelscript. How could be the right way to fix this upstream? Through a patch or a new makefile? (_x86 should be replaced by _x64 in the makefile for example)

I'm glad it works fine for this one too! The excellent work is not mine but Shiru's one! I've just followed some recommendation for adding all this together. I hadn't your qchan tracks so I haven't tried them yet. It should sound good I believe; If you need some help with the converter, just tell me. It you manage to convert them, please share wink (I could also put them in the repository if you don't mind, and I can add copyright as well)

I hope you'll like the AY sounds as well!

I've just updated the repository:
1/ The doc in pdf version should look better now! (the html output on github is less good but I'll fix it later)
2/ There is a new sketch! … header_sid
It's still a work in progress, but if you use a mpu6050 gyroscope module (very cheap on ebay, around 3 €) and a few wires, you'll be able to drive the SID sound with the gyroscope. Not very useful, but quite funny. My goal is to create a noise box which could make some interesting output.
3/ I've also noticed an old project is working on the "garvuino", you can convert some midi files and the board can replay them with a chiptune sound (up to 3 voices, and it's also possible to have 4 voices): (you have to connect the pins 5 and 6 to the AY>L and AY>R pin)
No sound demo at the moment, it's the same used there: (but it'll sound better from headphone / jack recording)

Oh, I'm glad then. I feared it could be broken during shipping, or the package would be too thick.

For flashing, you only need to unplug MIDI from the board (or the synth) otherwise it won't transfer. I was thinking to add an extra jumper which would have been easier to remove than the midi plug, but there already too many jumpers on this board! I have a midi connector with double female input and 2 midi cable, like this one … SwYwJaQj5z this way it's easier to unplug when I'm working on a sketch and it won't tire my equipment.

For Mozzi, any sketch from their website should work (except hifi of course), as I've used standard pin 9 for output, so you can try them. There aren't many for using with MIDI unfortunately. On my github there are a few I've adapted or copied from somewhere else, like from CheapSynth project: … ches/mozzi (lowpassfilter + midi is not working yet). I want to do more!
Their demos, like low pass filter, FM synth etc are impressives!

There are some extra PIN (both input and output) on the board you can use, for example to add sensors or potentiometer (but you'll need to code this or adapt some code from somewhere else). I also plan to add some more examples because I like those cheap synth sounds! I already have some potentiometer and sensors sketches for other projects, I need to adapt them to Mozzi!


(166 replies, posted in Sinclair)

cool, thank you Shiru!

ok it has been sent now! I've removed the brass stands, and put it in a little plastic bag, don't miss them, you don't even need a screwdriver to install them again.
I've already flashed the arduino with a 1-bit tune (phaser1 from MR BEEP), it sounds great!

it's a pity for the arduz80. So no possible automatic port to arduino from the countless zx spectrum ones...

@d0x10 and @ataritufty I'm made your packages, I'll post them this afternoon! Meanwhile I've updated the doc: …

Basically, the most "important" thing to know is the jumpers connections. When used in AY mode, the mono jumper should be off, when used in beeper, sid or mozzi mode the mono jumper should be on, the J4 (ay chip ground) should be off. Also the AY>L and AY>R can be off to reduce noise (but it will work anyway). And TX could be off as well when flashing the arduino chip (you can leave it on, but it the transfer fails, try to remove it)

I've received the missing parts and now I have a few more boards...

I've made a shop on Etsy for this:
You can order it there, or send me a message on

There are more options if you order it directly (and pay with gift on paypal or with an other system):

Garvuino complete version (fully assembled with Midi)            20,00 €
Garvuino no-midi version (fully assembled)                        19,00 €
Garvuino no AY version (fully assembled with Midi, no atmega8 chip but it would be a pity)        19,00 €
for Garvuino without arduino nano chip, because you have one for example, remove 2 € from the prices above               
shipping France                         2,00 €
shipping Europe                        3,00 €
shipping World + tracking                7,00 €
shipping Europe + tracking            6,00 €
shipping France + tracking            2,50 €


(2 replies, posted in Sinclair)

yes, I must compose something for it!