(37 replies, posted in Other Platforms)

just out of curiosity, do you know if it's possible to change the output pin?

#define SPEAKER_BIT           (1<<7)            //PD7 (Uno pin 7)

if I change to something below 7, it works (I can redefine pin 5 or 6 for example), but for pin 9 it doesn't work. I got an error because of "unsigned char output_state", which I changed to "unsigned int" to avoid the error, but it doesn't output sound with
#define SPEAKER_BIT           (1<<9)

(On my arduino set up with the low pass filter, PIN 9 is already soldered to the audio out plug, but I can add a new wire if necessary)

I don't know about the note off, it's not very noticable, but it's a bit like on some engine which get off on some lower or higher notes (I don't think octode on zx spectrum is like this).

We can hear this if we define a sample case with only C-2 and C-4 playing together. Here is a recording: http://picosong.com/GFX8

first it's C-2 + C-4, then C-2 + C-3, then C-2 + C-3 + C-4, then C-1 + C-2. The problem seems to be C4 which detune a bit.


(37 replies, posted in Other Platforms)

Still not sure if I want to install the latest IDE, especially not alongside the older install.

it's completely safe, believe me: there is no installer (at least in the old versions), you just extract the archive where you want, and start it by calling the main script, for example for me: /opt/arduino-1.6.7/arduino
So it won't mess your existing installation.

I've made a recording of my "Rotor" tune, from the arduino, it's presented on my blog there:


I'd say the drum sounds a bit different (but maybe I'm not using the recommended notes, I don't remember), it's slightly faster (2 sec difference on a 2 minutes tune), and it's also slightly out of tune on some notes (it's less acurate than on original octode). But it's a very good port anyway, I find this very exciting to have this new thing on Arduino!

On this one it's a raw recording with crocodile clips directly from the arduino to the soundcard (the signal is very loud). It might be improved with the low pass filter presented above. I've already made one for an arduino Sid emulator, see the attached pic (the one on the right). I haven't used it on this recording because it's not at my home at the moment...

Also it seems it's possible to use some Octode2k16 or octodeXL tunes, probably with some adjustements. I've uploaded an octodexl, it was ok for most part, but some others were played alone. I'll test further.


(37 replies, posted in Other Platforms)

@utz you should be able to just download a more recent arduino IDE from the official page. Since it's a java program, it should work anyway. I have several arduino versions in my /opt folder. It's a pity the arduino platform is so inconsistent across the different versions, you often get arduino code on internet you just can't compile any longer because of the slight variations they added to the IDE.

(edit) here is a compiled version anyway, in hex format, you should be able to send it to arduino, I hope (it's not Shiru's original song, it's mine, it was the last compiled project)

@shiru: I love you, honestly I was looking for long for such 1-bit rendering on Arduino, and what you've done is simply perfect. I don't understand everything (I'll read your post several times eventually), but I really enjoy what I'm hearing! (I've just attached an old pc speaker to the pin 7 of my arduino, and the other one to ground)

It worked out of the box on arduino IDE 1.6.7

And I could also upload my own (octode) songs. Very cool smile

Now I'll try to record something and compare it with the zx spectrum version.


(10 replies, posted in Sinclair)

a z80 chip driven by an arduino? (it that's possible)
Isn't it possible to use a shift register to reduce the number of needed pins?
Just out of topic, about an ay-3-8910 emulator + arduino, I've built one from http://www.avray.ru/ and it's really cool, you can stream music from an sd card and it sounds great so far. (The emulator itself is on an atmega8 chip, and this chip is driven by a regular arduino)

This Sleizsa trio is sharp as a metal blade wink

I've converted my Sleizsa Duo tune to this one: https://soundcloud.com/garvalf/danse-dhiver (I'll record the Duo version as well in the future)


"What do you get when you mix TSO's Wizards in Winter with four floppies, three scanners, two LED strips, and an inkjet printer?"


(135 replies, posted in Sinclair)

Yeah, polish it a bit, but not two bit please wink


(135 replies, posted in Sinclair)

Battle of the Bits Winter Chip XII has a ZX beeper contest: http://battleofthebits.org/arena/Battle … +Chip+XII/


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)


happy new year everyone!

The black metal band is rather cool. My favourite Polish black metal album is "Wicher" by Sacrilegium: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrmnbldZiUQ . Other albums from Poland I enjoy in this vein: "Grom" and "Sventevith" by Behemoth, "Prawo stali" by Graveland, Arkona


(19 replies, posted in Calculators & Pocket Computers)

I like this demo tune very much!! Well done.

Rawp is very interesting, I should use it more btw.


(21 replies, posted in Sinclair)

wow, I like this one very much too!


(19 replies, posted in Sinclair)

Another cool engine!

I'll probably use one of those new engines for the next BoTB battle.


(3 replies, posted in Atari)

it's connected both to the audio out and to the modulator, so I don't know to what extend it's possible to drive a signal to the audio output this way. I know almost nothing about all this so I can't really tell, it's just a guess.


(3 replies, posted in Atari)

I thought on the Atari ST the ym2149 handles all alone the audio output, but now I see on an Atari ST schematics that some video and modulator stuff are connected to the audio out, so why not?



(3 replies, posted in Sinclair)

I'm working on a super secret project with a great chiptune composer, it will be a collaborative album but it takes some time as we are both quite busy with other things.
It will be mostly 8-bit tunes, but there are also some 1-bit music as well.

Maybe we could release a little teaser in a few months...


(20 replies, posted in Sinclair)

That's cool. It's easier to design songs now there is this comment system. Thanks.
I find it still a bit difficult to compose something without listening to it while I'm entering notes but I think it could be a good exercice to train my ear. I can also design some melodies in a tracker if needed.


(21 replies, posted in Sinclair)

congrat! So now there are already 3 engines... well done.

as long as it's not 16-bit, it's ok for us wink

I think it's my recording which is not very clean (direct line in into a computer). Probably the drums saturate too much.

Here is the infamous Games of Throne cover:
https://soundcloud.com/garvalf/games-of … 1bit-cover


(20 replies, posted in Sinclair)

thanks for the explanations. And the new features sounds really cool! Now it'll be super easy to make ambient music on the spectrum!


(20 replies, posted in Sinclair)

don't bother with the , suggestion. It's sometimes quicker to keep them in place when you just remove an item, but it probably doesn't worth too much work on this.

For the comments, I can't use // in front of a pattern list (in the "sequence" part), I got this:

ERROR: Pattern "//    ptn1" is not defined.

I'm glad you've already considered using multiple patterns, it's not in a hurry but it'd help for song design. I think the mdal format would be more complete this way smile


(20 replies, posted in Sinclair)

A little feedback.

I think the parser could be less strict, for example you can't write:

A=a3, C=d2,

the last comma prevents to compile the song.
As long as there is no data except space, tab or line break, it could consider the comma doesn't exist.

I'd like to see a comment mark (for example to comment a part so it won't play during the rendering)

I like the idea of columns for entering notes. I has an interesting effect, you don't have to enter the value of some notes, like that:

A=g3, B=d2
    A=f3, B=c1

here we have for B the d2 note which will last 6 steps, then c1 will last 3 steps. Yeah, basically it's the same as in trackers smile
I guess also it's easier to parse the notes.

It has some drawbacks however: It's less easy to copy and paste a track (for example channel 2). Some text editors support vertical selection though. When a channel is on a line, you can duplicate it more easily.
I think in addition to the current behaviour, it might worth adding, if possible, independent patterns, it means a pattern could contain only one voice, then you would mix the patterns together for different variations. The current behaviour is like on milkytracker, beepola or vortex tracker, I was thinking to something like on sidwizard or goattracker.

It means something like that would be legit:

     ptn1a, ptn1b, ptn1c

A=f3, MIXA=and, MIXB=and, PHA=0, PSCA1=none, PSCC=none, SLIDESPD=0, DMOD=off, SPD=8



instead of:


    A=f3, B=d2, C=d2, MIXA=and, MIXB=and, PHA=0, PSCA1=none, PSCC=none, SLIDESPD=0, DMOD=off, SPD=8
    A=d3, C=a2
    A=a3, C=d2
    A=d3, C=a2 
    A=f3, C=d2
    A=e3, C=a2
    A=f3, B=f2, C=c2

It might look more verbose, but it could help to design very repetive parts. But maybe it'd be too complicated to parse.

(edit) thanks for the brackets addition, I'll have a look at it. Also for the value, what is correct, PHA=$800 or PHA=800, or is it the same?

I don't understand all the pattern commands effects, but I'll have a try.
In the betaphase.txt it's written
MIXB            Set mixing mode channel 1

I guess it's:
MIXB            Set mixing mode channel 2


(20 replies, posted in Sinclair)

It works quite good.
I've begun to convert a little jig I made for gameboy (see attachment). Nothing fancy, it doesn't sound really "advanced" like the demo tunes. It made me work with the MDAL language though.

I see you're looking for making some global constants, it will be a great thing.

I'll post more about this soon.


(20 replies, posted in Sinclair)

ah yes, German notation... I was wondering.
Is it possible to use flat as well?

Just saying, in abc flat is _ before the note, ^ is for sharp and = for natural (but not applicable in mdal). So ^f2 would be f2 sharp and _g2 would be g2 flat.

I think you made something great with MDAL. It's perfectly suitable for this kind of music. The only criticism I could say is I find it less readable to get all the info on the same level for example:

A=a1, MIXA=xor, PHA=$800, PSCA1=down, C=c4, PSCC=down, SLIDESPD=$30, SPD=6

It might be more readable like this, with options between parenthesis:

A=a1 (MIXA=xor, PHA=$800, PSCA1=down), C=c4 (PSCC=down, SLIDESPD=$30, SPD=6)

(but maybe it's just me)


I have a newer question. I have a simple example like this:



    A=e1, MIXA=xor, PHA=$400, PSCA1=none, PSCC=down, SLIDESPD=$30, SPD=12
    A=e1, MIXA=xor, PHA=$800, PSCA1=down, C=a3, PSCC=down, SLIDESPD=$30, SPD=12
    A=e2, C=rest, SLIDESPD=0
    A=e1, C=e2
    A=e1, B=f2
    A=e1, C=fis2
        A=e1, C=g2
        A=e1, C=gis2
    A=e2, C=b2

is the speed persistent across the patterns? For ptn1 if I remove SPD=12 then I get a little glitch (high pitch tone). If I set SPD=10 (default?), it's even different.
ok I understand, SPD=16 is default (and I get the sound glitch as well)
SPD=16 is 0x10