So, as I got more new ideas mentioned in the next gen engine ideas thread, I decided to test them out inside the Ear Shaver EX engine. Here is the update. It introduces two more sub-engines into the mix:
8: CrossPhase. Another kind of a Phaser1-like modulation engine, but a bit different both from Phaser1 and EarthShaker. It is a single channel mode, much like engine 6.
9: ModPhase. Provides two channels with always-on PWM modulation and modulation alteration via W column. T2 channel is louder than T1 channel.
The modulation alteration effect is better heard with long notes, it sounds kind of a mild guitar feedback.
Edit: updated it so ModPhases's default W always resets phase LFO, while other values keep it free running; phase LFO's are now separate and independent for both channels. This makes it more handy and versatile.