AtariTufty wrote:I wondered how long it would be before you were itching to write another engine 
Always itching, just don't always have the time 
Here are some ideas I have had, if any are of any use or spark debate.
AtariTufty wrote:I like the Qchan type engines but if more bass or better drums were possible this would be great. The best part of Qchan (for me) are the volume envelopes as I think this opens the door for interesting synth effects.
Yup, same here. It would especially be great to have a (pseudo-)white noise channel along the pin pulse channels. Well, as I mentioned I've got an enhanced Qchan version in the works, which will feature full envelope control similar to Stocker. It should have some more bass, too, using introspec's technique from Octode XL. Though perhaps I should start studying Zilogat0r's Squeeker code more closely, as that would allow for even more bass.
AtariTufty wrote:I would like to see an engine where different types are selectable from within the tune itself. A sort of multi-engine that can swap between (for example) a phaser sound to a basic rom beep sound to maybe a PFM sound in the middle of a tune. I think this would enable tunes to have sections in different styles and make them more interesting.
Yeah, been longing for something like that as well. However, my conclusion is that this is a problem to be solved at the editor end of things. If I'm not mistaken most of Shiru's engines could already be used in that fashion, as they are tuned to 440Hz (unlike mine cause I suck at math
). So it's basically Beepola and/or 1tracker that would need to support this feature.
AtariTufty wrote:A useful feature would be for a tune to quit back to basic at predetermined points in the music (to maybe allow text to be displayed) and then the user could jump back into the tune at the point it left off.
A few engines, like Wham and Music Studio already support this feature. Nevertheless it's a good point for other/new engines, and it isn't even that difficult to achieve.
AtariTufty wrote:OK, wacky idea. How about a drum and bass engine with basically mega bass and a selection of drums/hihats etc. Maybe 2 mega bass channels or even just one with digi-drums ????
qoap and yawp would be capable of doing that. But again, the problem is that there aren't any editors yet that support the full feature set of these engines. And unfortunately the whole editor business is a bit over my head, can't even figure out how to do plugins for 1tracker.
garvalf wrote:I seriously got the idea to record a (black) metal album with drums only from a ZX spectrum...
Hehe, I do my live performances with some black metal vocals
So +1 for your idea!