(0 replies, posted in Other Platforms)

Just noticed that krue updated his native Apple II tracker a few weeks ago.
See http://krue.net/stitch/

Support for multiple sound engines. The existing engine is named blanket stitch.
    New running stitch engine, which has a faster (but variable) loop time.
    Output to cassette port in addition to speaker port.
    New standalone player.
    Display edit/play status.
    Release source for the sound engines.
    Adjust range after a delete operation (it may be pointing outside of song data).
    Reset row, field, and range when a song is opened.


(1 replies, posted in Sinclair)

Yes, there are a couple of options available, though ultimately you might just be better off transcribing by hand.
Anyway, option 1 is to use an engine for which an XM converter is available. See the list of engines here: http://randomflux.info/1bit/viewtopic.php?id=25
Most modern XM editors can import midi files. However, the XM converters use specially crafted XM templates with tight restrictions (limited number of instruments/channels, no fx, etc)  so you'll have to make sure your imported file matches the engine's XM template as closely as possible.

The other option would be to use Beepolyator, which converts midi to ZX-16 engine format. It's in Russian only, however it shouldn't be too difficult to figure out with the help of a translation tool. Download is here: https://vtrd.in/pcutilz/BEEPOLYA.zip and quick manual is here: http://hype.retroscene.org/blog/247.html

For your needs, TI Connect is perfectly ok. It's mainly TI-82 users who will have problems with it.
Ok, so regarding the high frequency problem, I can only say hopefully things will be better in the upcoming version. Until then just use that mini-mixer wink ... I always put a bit of EQ on as well. TI isn't like, say, Gameboy, where you can have good sound pretty much out of the box.

By the way, if you are a Linux user, building the development version of HT2 is pretty straightforward. However, at the moment the keyhandler is somewhat unstable. Once I have fixed it, I will provide some new beta builds on here, too.

Yes, there are sound differences, though it's hard to say which one has the "best" sound. There is also a factor that might be even more relevant than the model: The battery level. It has a direct impact on the CPU speed. And that again directly affects things like pitch, and sound quality. When batteries get low, you get more bass, but worse sound quality. If you get a high frequency beep, you can try some fresh batteries, and the situation should improve.


(135 replies, posted in Sinclair)

That's basically the idea behind engines like zbmod. Or, more relevantly, when talking about pulse interleaving, octode2k16. Interleaving of the various pulse trains is abstracted into an actual calculated output weight. So far, so good.

However, there are side effects. If the channel weight is kept near the maximum for consecutive loop iterations, the speaker membrane will build up additional pressure because there is not enough time for it to return to it's rest state. You can hear this clearly in o2k16, when all or almost all channels are busy. I tried to abuse this effect as an engine feature, but it is very hard to control.

When doing actual interleaving, this problem is much less pronounced, since most often there will still be long enough periods for the speaker cone to retract even at when channel weight is high. So by interleaving two "binary trees" (like in pytha, for example), we can mitigate the "ramping" issue, while still maintaining a sizeable number of possible channels. However, this also has side effects, as demonstrated here: http://randomflux.info/1bit/viewtopic.p … 1396#p1396 I still haven't figured what exactly is causing this phenomenon. My guess is that possibly the common assumption about using 8t alignment to mitigate IO contention is not correct, to start with. But probably that isn't the whole picture either. I do want to investigate further with a "perfectly aligned" engine at some point, though. Just need to find some time and motivation for it.

Very cool! And great to see there's at least 1 person who likes the auto-chord effect, hehe. Looking forward to hearing more from you wink

https://www.gamejournal.it/the-sound-of … -spectrum/

Surprisingly well-researched, though it fails to acknowledge any of our post-2008 achievements.


(21 replies, posted in Sinclair)

Aye, I think this might be due to the way the engine is constructed. Timer/pattern update happens while the 3rd channel is active so it will be most affected. Not 100% sure about this but I can't spot any obvious code errors atm either.


(21 replies, posted in Sinclair)

Thanks for the fixes, Shiru. Is the issue of clicks in 3rd channel fixed in your version? If not, how can I reproduce it?

Do you have any plans to release a ZX musicdisk/tape version of the album?
Also, do you have the lyrics for "The Eternal" somewhere? I think I would like to cover that song some time.

Great stuff indeed! Very quirky and unique. I like his other stuff as well.


(15 replies, posted in Sinclair)

Hey, I like your mp3 entry! And massive props for that Earth Shaker track as well.
Squat is great for me, as it enables me to get stuff done quickly. Somehow it reminds me of the days when things were simpler wink but then with great sound and sampled drums. I might have a bug report though (1tracker keeps throwing "engine provided no data" errors at me), but I'll check if it still happens in 0.29 first.

Mate, please put one of these boards aside for me. I've got too much on my head right now to dig into this, but I will eventually wink


(15 replies, posted in Sinclair)

Ha, nice. Yeah, DiHalt beeper compos were quite good in recent years (except last year's Lite edition when I was the only one to submit). They better send me a diploma this time, though wink Anyway, thanks to you, Shiru, for that awesome Squat engine!

Yes, pretty much anything that runs on the micro:bit should run on the Calliope mini. It's the same base board with some stuff added such as motor control and a microphone.


(20 replies, posted in Sinclair)

I'm mostly interested in the 3rd approach, especially in combination with multi-color gfx. To me this combination totally makes sense because both these things require exact timing. I'm also curious how a perfectly timed engine would sound in the first place. Did some tests with this back in November but didn't manage to complete anything before leaving for Germany.


(2 replies, posted in Sinclair)

Aww yis time for some Sleizsa torture mwahahahaa


(15 replies, posted in Sinclair)

Tee hee seems we were having ourselves a nice 1bitforum battle this time yikes

Hehe, I'm actually sort of working for the micro:bit's German sister project, the Calliope mini. It's quite a curious setup. They're somehow super powerful and super lame at the same time. The need to deal with an operating system (3 layers of OS actually, as there's the Microbit runtime running on top of ARM MBED running on top of Nordic's nRF stuff) poses some rather unique challenges xD
I could rant about it for hours but in short my verdict would be: It's great for educational purposes, but for actual development I'd stick to either Arduino or RasPi, depending on the scale of the project.


(166 replies, posted in Sinclair)

Wow wow wow... massive thanks for all the work, Shiru! And sorry for the radio silence, I had no internet access for the past 5 weeks. Now catching up with all the stuff I've missed. Will write more later.

I think it should be possible to fix the makefile to handle 64-bit compilation. Though as a lazy fix, I guess forcing 32-bit compilation on 64-bit systems would do, as I doubt 1tracker will benefit much from having access to >4GB of RAM.


(135 replies, posted in Sinclair)

Thanks guys wink I actually started to work on an engine to encorporate this a while back, but got a bit stuck while trying to reduce noise. I do want to continue with this at some point though. But first, I'm off to my traditional end-of-the-year trash album recording session.

Shiru: Interesting find! I'm especially intrigued by the noise/hihat sounds. Say, didn't we have another thread for this stuff? Can't seem to find it now.

Hehe, sounds good to my ears big_smile
Haven't heard about the Lunchbeat before. Is it in any way related to Noah Vawter's 1bit Groovebox?


(51 replies, posted in Sinclair)

'ere we go: https://github.com/utz82/bintracker/releases/latest
Just a bunch of bugfixes for now. I might do another bugfix release shortly but I'm afraid I won't get around to implementing any major new features before the end of the year, unfortunately.


(51 replies, posted in Sinclair)

Oh, I sure like the sound of that... seems you're indeed having fun with that engine! <3
I've discovered a few new bugs while testing yesterday. I'm gonna have those fixed asap (hopefully tomorrow) and then I'll upload a new Windows build, ok?


(51 replies, posted in Sinclair)

Ok guys, per popular demand™ I've swapped Ctrl+V/Ctrl+P in trunk wink
gtap, are you on Linux or do you need a Windows build with this change?