Re: upcoming beeper compos

Three sample channels is a good thing, but I think we need to intermix simple timbres such as the regular square wave or pin-tone with samples of a long duration that lasts for a few rows - drum pieces, some instruments. The problem is that to get a clean square wave it either needs to be encoded for a long length (maybe a pattern even), or some kind of sample looping considered, which is cycle-expensive.

website - 1bit music - other music - youtube - bandcamp - patreon - twitter (latest news there)


Re: upcoming beeper compos

Another compo is nearing: Quantum Oscillation Party

This is a weird one, but may be a nice fit for the beeper: noise art. Includes an oldschool computer noise music, which is music made of noises. Seems to be a good case for the noise channels in our beeper engines, if you're in the experimental mood.

website - 1bit music - other music - youtube - bandcamp - patreon - twitter (latest news there)

128 (edited by Kakos_nonos 2024-05-04 10:50:56)

Re: upcoming beeper compos

Hi, guyz!
Yes, invite you to this noisy party, I think it will be interesting to see beeper from other side - not try to make it "nice, melodic", but make it noisy, glitchy, atonal, surreal))

Re: upcoming beeper compos

Sounds like fun smile


Re: upcoming beeper compos

I think I have some appropriate material for this compo smile

Regarding looping PWM samples, I've got an idea for a design that would be relatively cycle-efficient. We need to check for the end marker anyway, right? If we put a loop pointer immediately after the end marker, that loop pointer could either point to the end marker itself (effectively stopping sample playback) or to some arbitrary position in the sample (actual loop). The only caveat is that the encoder needs to ensure that 1) the phase is not accidentally inverted by the loop, 2) state is 0 at the end of the sample, and maybe 3) the length of the last half-cycle before the end is reduced by 1. This would rule out extending PWM half-cycle length beyond 255, but I think we can live with that since we can pitch down anyway.

Re: upcoming beeper compos

Here are the compositions for the Quantum Oscillation Party: https://events.retroscene.org/osc2024/oldskool_noise

I especially enjoyed "unguided filter", is it your work Utz?

Re: upcoming beeper compos

PunBB bbcode test
DiHalt 2025 Winter
5th-7th of January

Re: upcoming beeper compos


Re: upcoming beeper compos

"Beyond the Void"
> "...My first attempt with this engine and only my 2nd rock track. "
Pretty good all out rock tune !  Quite catchy.

Re: upcoming beeper compos

Thanks busshy555

I like to try new engines and this time it was squeeker plus. Very powerful sound, ideal for rock.
I was on a diet of bands such as Judas Priest and Death before I wrote it smile


Re: upcoming beeper compos

Multimatograf will have a beeper compo again this year.
Deadline is May 2nd, 12:00 local time.