good idea: contests motivate people to create new things, so I'm in. Do you think it's relevant to make several categories?
351 2015-07-08 12:14:58
Re: plans for a 1-bit forum contest (16 replies, posted in General Discussion)
352 2015-07-07 08:21:32
Re: upcoming beeper compos (135 replies, posted in Sinclair)
yes, but for the oldschool music compo the other one was last...
353 2015-07-07 08:16:07
Re: testing some new tricks... (7 replies, posted in Sinclair)
Nice effects. Is it a new engine or you're working on an old one?
354 2015-07-03 12:56:55
Re: upcoming beeper compos (135 replies, posted in Sinclair)
I've managed to submit both a beeper and a C64 compo to DiHalt. At the moment I'm trying to reach quite a few competitions, I've sent something to Nordlicht, ReSeT, Sommarhack, Solskogen. I don't get much score, but I don't care
355 2015-07-02 13:22:56
Re: 1bitstudio - a bundle of VST plugins (27 replies, posted in Other Platforms)
Yes, this is certainly not a purist thing, it is more of the 'fakebit' kind.
ok, then I'll delete it from my hard drive ASAP
More seriously, I'm sure it's a conveniant tool and it can also raise interest for 1bit music to more people...
356 2015-07-02 07:52:11
Re: 1-bit music on GameBoy (7 replies, posted in Other Platforms)
thank you for the explanations. So I guess it's unlikely we see some beeper songs on the gameboy...
An interesting effect on the GB: … r-gameboy/
357 2015-07-02 07:14:05
Re: Dat Fuzz - Character set (3 replies, posted in Sinclair)
look at this:
I think it's the one named Skyscrap.
358 2015-07-02 07:09:43
Re: 1bitstudio - a bundle of VST plugins (27 replies, posted in Other Platforms)
Hourra, Shiru is back with new stuff!
I've tested it with LMMS, and it's working well.
Now the philosophical / ethical question is: "if I load 2 of those plugins together in my software, will it be 2-bit music then?"
359 2015-07-01 09:44:32
Topic: 1-bit music on GameBoy (7 replies, posted in Other Platforms)
I've got a few gameboy recently, for running LSDJ on them. Yes, I know it's quite "hype" but I wanted to try this and I don't regret it, LSDJ is an awesome tracker, now I can record musical ideas from my smartphone, using a GameBoy emulator...
Anyway, the best thing about the gameboy is it's a small device, has a screen, and is powered by a zilog z80 cpu.
Do you know if someone already managed to port a beeper engine on this device? Would it be possible? The CPU is not a real z80, I guess it's a kind of z80-compatible, so maybe not all opcode are available?
360 2015-06-30 22:27:34
Re: upcoming beeper compos (135 replies, posted in Sinclair)
maybe this one as well?
on July 10-12
ZX Spectrum Music (all ZX Spectrum formats + TurboSound)
I have a cool beeper tune (I hope) but it's not finished yet, so it's too late for DiHalt...
361 2015-06-30 18:53:35
Re: We're back! (8 replies, posted in General Discussion)
please Yerzmyey, if you read this, we can understand you no longer want to maintain the other forum, but other people are willing to take this over, and it would be great to be able to get access to the older messages...
362 2015-06-30 11:27:39
Re: We're back! (8 replies, posted in General Discussion)
nobody has a backup of the old database?
363 2015-06-30 10:46:51
Re: colorbepp 2 (5 replies, posted in Sinclair)
it sounds (and looks) great! The first places are not that impressive in comparison in my opinion...
364 2015-06-29 13:26:12
Re: We're back! (8 replies, posted in General Discussion)
yeah, thank you d0x10 and Utz for this new forum!