Topic: new engine: Squeeker Plus
No fancy samples and sh*t this time - just finally finishing off a project that has been on my to-do list for the longest time: A remake of zilogat0r's Squeeker engine! Various cool features added, quoting the readme:
- 4 tone channels, mixed PFM/PWM synthesis
- 2 interrupting click drums
- per-tick duty cycle envelopes
- channels 1 and 2 can play fixed-pitch noise instead of square waves
- channel 4 can use a fast pitch slide for drum simulation
- mixing at approx. 9511 Hz.
I did make an XM converter for this one, but it is very rough code (as is the whole engine, it's got character, to say the least) and needless to say, it does a rather poor job of simulating the sound. Awaiting your bug reports, in any case.