Topic: Useful Tritone tempo's?

I've found the list of 20 tempo's in the Beepola.exe, and can edit/patch them to something more useful.

Has anyone a list of Tritone pattern tempo's?  Tempo's that are divisable and in time.

I've never used the xm converter, so have never experimented with different tempo's.

This is the list of Beepola's pattern tempo's, 1-20.



Re: Useful Tritone tempo's?

Well, I guess you could use just about anything you wanted to.
In the original XM converter, the speed value is calculated as follows:


where "tempo" is the number of ticks per row if I understand correctly. So, eg. for 120 bpm @ 8 ticks you'd get a value of 4069.

Re: Useful Tritone tempo's?

I'll make a spreadsheet using that formula.  Just changing the ticks per row.
4,8,12,16,24,32,48,64,96,128 at 120bpm and 240bpm for the 20 tempo's.


Re: Useful Tritone tempo's?

I'd suggest putting some 1 and 2 tick speeds in there as well. Some people are crazy for high speed Tritone abuse, and they're still sticking to the old XM converter precisely because those high speeds are inaccessible in Beepola.

Btw, would it be possible to apply your alternate SpecialFX note table as a patch, too? In combination with the Tritone speed patch it might make for a nice "FrankT's Modded Beepola" release...

5 (edited by FrankT 2016-04-30 22:12:42)

Re: Useful Tritone tempo's?

utz wrote:

I'd suggest putting some 1 and 2 tick speeds in there as well. Some people are crazy for high speed Tritone abuse, and they're still sticking to the old XM converter precisely because those high speeds are inaccessible in Beepola.

Btw, would it be possible to apply your alternate SpecialFX note table as a patch, too? In combination with the Tritone speed patch it might make for a nice "FrankT's Modded Beepola" release...

Yeah, what I suggested as a thought didn't work out too well.  I'm now experimenting with 1, 1.25, 1.33333333, 1.5, 1.66666666, 1.75, 2 etc. for the ticks per row.  And adjusting the tempo to a useable range.  The old 19 speed was 900, which I'm trying to matchat about speed 17/18.  It makes the 20 speed about 741 instead of the old 713.  But at least the 19 and 20 speeds are compatible/interchangeable against different time signatures.

I'll look for the SpecialFX note table in the Beepola.exe and patch it as well.  I'm going to have to reverse engineer one of my old songs to get the frequency table I made.  Not a problem, as I'm currently working on a demo which includes everything I've written for ZX.  It will only run on a 128k compatible spectrum though.

I've had to start from scratch, as I lost all my source code for my old demo's and games.

Edit: I found my old note tables on my dropbox, in archives here. …
and, …

Re: Useful Tritone tempo's?

Was it this one, by any chance? Or was that for Savage?

In any case, retrieving the note table should be trivial. 25 bytes into the player there's a pointer to the music data, the note table is sitting directly before that address and is 54 bytes long.

Edit: Beepola 1.08.01, at offset 0x3a72c0 wink

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newfreqtable.asm 241 b, 3 downloads since 2016-04-30 

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7 (edited by FrankT 2016-04-30 22:13:36)

Re: Useful Tritone tempo's?

You replied before my edit above.  I found my note table.

The tempo's are here in the same version Beepola.exe.  DWORD's after each B8.  Reverse byte order!

Offset(h) 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F

0020C9A0  B8 C9 02 00 00 C3 B8 84 03 00 00 C3 B8 D4 04 00  ¸É...ø„...øÔ..
0020C9B0  00 C3 B8 3A 07 00 00 C3 B8 A0 09 00 00 C3 B8 06  .ø:...ø ...ø.
0020C9C0  0C 00 00 C3 B8 6C 0E 00 00 C3 B8 D2 10 00 00 C3  ...øl...øÒ...Ã
0020C9D0  B8 38 13 00 00 C3 B8 9E 15 00 00 C3 B8 04 18 00  ¸8...øž...ø...
0020C9E0  00 C3 B8 6A 1A 00 00 C3 B8 D0 1C 00 00 C3 B8 36  .øj...øÐ...ø6
0020C9F0  1F 00 00 C3 B8 9C 21 00 00 C3 B8 02 24 00 00 C3  ...øœ!..ø.$..Ã
0020CA00  B8 68 26 00 00 C3 B8 CE 28 00 00 C3 B8 34 2B 00  ¸h&..øÎ(..ø4+.
0020CA10  00 C3 B8 9A 2D 00 00                                  .øš-

8 (edited by FrankT 2016-05-01 03:21:10)

Re: Useful Tritone tempo's?

I've patched Beepola with these ticks per row.
1, 1.25, 1.3333333333, 1.5, 1.6666666666, 1.75, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20.
And adjusted the tempo until I got near the old 18 and 19 speeds.  Now speed 14 is the same as old speed 18, and speed 18 is the same as old 19.  (Or near enough).
These are the new pattern tempo's.

20     742     2E6
19     863     35F
18     904     388
17     985     3D9
16    1066     42A
15    1106     452
14    1228     4CC
13    1470     5BE
12    1713     6B1
11    2199     897
10    2685     A7D
9     3171     C63
8     4142    102E
7     4628    1214
6     5114    13FA
5     6085    17C5
4     7543    1D77
3     8028    1F5C
2     9000    2328
1     9971    26F3

Here is a patched Beepola.exe.  I haven't patched the SpecialFX note table yet.  I'll do that tomorrow. …

Ok, its fixed now...

Re: Useful Tritone tempo's?

I'm going to do a few patches with different/compatible tempo's.  To cater for faster speeds.

                     118 147.5 177
Ticks Per Row
            1 20     741  644  579
         1.25 19     862  741  660
  1.333333333 18     902  773  687
          1.5 17     983  838  741
  1.666666666 16    1064  902  795
         1.75 15    1104  935  821
            2 14    1225 1031  902
          2.5 13    1468 1225 1064
            3 12    1710 1419 1225
            4 11    2195 1807 1548
            5 10    2679 2195 1872
            6  9    3164 2582 2195
            8  8    4133 3358 2841
            9  7    4618 3746 3164
           10  6    5103 4133 3487
           12  5    6072 4909 4133
           15  4    7526 6072 5103
           16  3    8011 6460 5426
           18  2    8980 7235 6072
           20  1    9949 8011 6718


Re: Useful Tritone tempo's?

Maybe one patch with "coder" tempos (0x100, 0x200, 0x300 etc) could be useful, too?

Re: Useful Tritone tempo's?

I've changed the ticks per rows a bit, and made 2 patches.  One normal speeds but with divisable tempo's, and the other for superfast songs.

                        118.4 177.6
Ticks Per Row  Beepola
            1       20   739   578
         1.25       19   860   659
  1.333333333       18   900   685
          1.5       17   981   739
  1.666666666       16  1061   793
         1.75       15  1101   820
            2       14  1222   900
          2.5       13  1464  1061
  2.666666666       12  1544  1115
            3       11  1705  1222
  3.333333333       10  1866  1329
          3.5        9  1947  1383
            4        8  2188  1544
            5        7  2671  1866
  5.333333333        6  2832  1973
            6        5  3154  2188
  6.666666666        4  3476  2403
            7        3  3637  2510
            8        2  4120  2832
           10        1  5086  3476

Beepola New Tritone Tempos

Re: Useful Tritone tempo's?

Cheers FrankT smile


Re: Useful Tritone tempo's?

Good job, thanks Frank!

Re: Useful Tritone tempo's?

I've just patched the SpecialFX frequency table.

The one you found was just for Beepola playback, compiling a tap, bin, or source listing and it reverted to the old note table.

For compiling, the SpecialFX engine builds from source which is stored as a Unicode text string at around #22BE20 in Beepola.exe.  I patched the text, and now it compiles with the new frequency table.

Going to make a patcher, so I can easily apply it to my already patched tritone tempo fixes.

I'm having a similar problem with the Tritone engine.  I wanted to patch the engine to remove the extraneous out instruction after the soundloop, before the key detection, that causes clicking at high speeds.  I can patch the Beepola playback, but on compiling the out ($fe),a is still there.

15 (edited by FrankT 2016-05-02 17:39:27)

Re: Useful Tritone tempo's?

Just updated the archive, patched both Tritone tempo fixes with the new SFX frequency table.  Same link as before.

Beepola New Tritone Tempos + New SFX Frequency Table

I've added an example TempoTest.bbsong, just a few bars of the same drum beat at pattern lengths of 8, 12, 16, 24, 32, 48 and 64.  With Beepola tempo's of 2, 6, 8, 12, 14, 18 and 20.  Just to show it stays in time when changing pattern length/tempo.

It's in the archive and here.

Re: Useful Tritone tempo's?

The 1.75, 3.5 and 7 ticks per row are redundant.  So I'm removing them.  These will be the final tempo's.  It allows to change from 8, 12, 16, 24, 32, 48, 64, 96 etc.

                       118.4 177.6 236.8
 Ticks Per Row Beepola            
             1      20   739   578   498
          1.25      19   860   659   558
   1.333333333      18   900   685   578
           1.5      17   981   739   618
   1.666666666      16  1061   793   659
             2      15  1222   900   739
           2.5      14  1464  1061   860
   2.666666666      13  1544  1115   900
             3      12  1705  1222   981
   3.333333333      11  1866  1329  1061
             4      10  2188  1544  1222
             5       9  2671  1866  1464
   5.333333333       8  2832  1973  1544
             6       7  3154  2188  1705
   6.666666666       6  3476  2403  1866
             8       5  4120  2832  2188
            10       4  5086  3476  2671
  10.666666666       3  5408  3691  2832
            12       2  6052  4120  3154
  13.333333333       1  6696  4550  3476

I'll redo the patches today.  And release the files to patch Beepola, instead of the actual Beepola.exe's.

17 (edited by FrankT 2016-05-04 01:19:34)

Re: Useful Tritone tempo's?

Here are the new patches.  Just patch Beepola with whatever tempo range you want.

There's a new example TempoTest.bbsong included.

Edit:  Added the SpecialFX note table patch.

Post's attachments 60.32 kb, 1 downloads since 2016-05-04 

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Re: Useful Tritone tempo's?

Great to have these mods available as patches. Thanks a lot, mate.

Re: Useful Tritone tempo's?

I've made 7 new patches.  They're based on the original tempos from 20 to 14.
They're divisable between 3/4 and 4/4, 4/4 and 3/4 time signatures.  And allow for at least 4x speed increase for doing super fast effects. …

                          500.56  473.62  350.14  287.02  276.28  243.19  266.31
  Ticks Per Row  Beepola  20to14  19to13  18to12  17to11  16to10   15to9   14to8
              1       20     370     377     419     455     463     491     471
   1.3333333333       19     408     417     474     522     532     570     542
            1.5       18     427     437     501     555     566     609     578
              2       17     485     497     583     655     670     726     685
   2.6666666667       16     561     578     692     787     808     883     829
              3       15     599     618     746     854     877     961     900
              4       14     713*    739     909    1053    1084    1197    1115
   5.3333333333       13     865     900*   1127    1319    1360    1510    1401
              6       12     942     980    1236*   1452    1498    1667    1544
              8       11    1170    1222    1563    1850*   1912    2137    1974
  10.6666666667       10    1475    1544    1998    2381    2464*   2764    2547
             12        9    1627    1705    2216    2647    2740    3078*   2833
             16        8    2084    2188    2869    3444    3568    4019    3692*
  21.3333333333        7    2693    2832    3740    4507    4672    5273    4837
             24        6    2998    3154    4176    5038    5224    5900    5410
             32        5    3912    4120    5483    6632    6880    7781    7128
  42.6666666667        4    5131    5408    7225    8757    9088   10290    9419
             48        3    5740    6052    8096    9820   10192   11544   10564
             64        2    7568    7984   10709   13008   13504   15307   14000
  85.3333333333        1   10005   10560   14194   17259   17920   20324   18581


Re: Useful Tritone tempo's?

Thanks, awesome! Uhhm... what do those asterisks in your table mean?
Also, how about a meta patcher tool for Beepola that allows you to set your own configurations for note tables, speed values? That would basically open up a whole new range of possibilities for people who are into drone music, microtonal stuff etc...

Re: Useful Tritone tempo's?

utz wrote:

Thanks, awesome! Uhhm... what do those asterisks in your table mean?
Also, how about a meta patcher tool for Beepola that allows you to set your own configurations for note tables, speed values? That would basically open up a whole new range of possibilities for people who are into drone music, microtonal stuff etc...

The asterisks are the original beepola tempo's, 20 to 14.  Now on 14 to 8, to allow for at least 4x speed.

So if you have a song at tempo 19, patch beepola with the 19 to 13 patch, and reduce your song tempo by 6.  It will be the same speed as before, but now you have option to add 4x speed effects.
The only problem left really is the limit of 126 pattern length.

I've written loaders and patchers in C before, also bbsong to vortex tracker text converter.  Just don't have much time at the moment.

Wonder if there would be a chance for beeper engines being added to WyzTracker?  It already has everything there, even for note tables.  Also has nice feature for using scales, you can select key and scale types/modes/triads, which highlight the notes for making up your arpeggios.


Re: Useful Tritone tempo's?

Got it, thanks!

Yes, 126 step limit is indeed quite a hassle. However I recall Chris mentioning that it would be rather complicated to fix this issue, which is why he hasn't done so until now I guess.

Dunno about WyzTracker. Since it runs AYemul at it's core it should in theory be possible. But many (especially newer) beeper engines may not fit in well with the current instrument/fx editing approach, since beeper routines are generally not frame-based (unlike AY routines).