Hello,I have two questions about the engine quattropic.
At first, it seems to me that your code does not compile: indeed in the file main.asm, one has two different occurences of the routine _skip. One is at line 26 and other one is at line 167. Can you give a hint to correct this problem.
Now, I do not have a Sinclair Spectrum. I have a VG5000 computer (here is a link to see what is this computer http://vg5000.free.fr/). So, I try to adapt your code for this computer. What I understood about Spectrum is that the out port for sound is $FE and the useful bit is bit-4. But I do not unserstand the routine
in a,(#1f) ;read joystick
maskKempston equ $+1
and #1f
ld c,a
in a,(#fe) ;read kbd
or c
and #1f
jp nz,exit
What does this routine do? Thanks in advance for any asnwer that you could give me