1 (edited by MovieMovies1 2025-01-22 05:08:59)

Topic: Jeroen Tel "Remark Music" on Tritone

https://soundcloud.com/moviemovies1/jer … k-music-zx

I put the new XM-to-Tritone converter with better detune support through its paces with this. Picked this track specifically because of its usage of finer vibratos and some pitch sliding to really give it a proper spin. Many thanks to utz for writing up the new detune conversion code!

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remarkmusic.tap 32.13 kb, 5 downloads since 2025-01-22 

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Re: Jeroen Tel "Remark Music" on Tritone

Sounds great

Re: Jeroen Tel "Remark Music" on Tritone

Better than the original chrchrchr

4 (edited by xxl 2025-01-23 21:33:34)

Re: Jeroen Tel "Remark Music" on Tritone


I ran the data through my Atari tritone version - it doesn't play the same but it's still interesting :-)

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atariversion.mp3-edit 883.67 kb, 4 downloads since 2025-01-23 

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5 (edited by bushy555 2025-01-30 05:42:26)

Re: Jeroen Tel "Remark Music" on Tritone

...and similiar-ish from a Z80 VZ/Laser with inaccurate timings.
Recorded from an emulator via a potato phone.

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remark.m4a 587.62 kb, 4 downloads since 2025-01-29 

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