Topic: Sam Coupe computer


The Sam Coupe was one of these lesser known Z80 based computers, being released in 1989 and discontinued in 1992.

Its AY port is 511 & 255, whilst its beeper port is identical to the ZX Speccy: bit 4 on port #FE.
Asm orgin for the Coupe is at #8000

Loading the binary is the difficult part when you don't know how to.
Requires to load the binary into a disk image, then load the disk image into an emulator , or using another tool to write the disk image to a real Coupe 800kb floppy drive.

Timing is right off, as this computer runs the Z80 at 6meg. Slowing things down to a reasonable listenable tempo, still makes all tunes sound like that they have been put through a Phaser. Twice.

At the BASIC prompt , either in an emulator (Sim Coupe) or, real hardware with disk image access:

LOAD "file" CODE 32768

Have converted a bunch of various players over and experimented with speed / tempo. But none are really worthwhile in showing here.  Indeed the Sam Coupe will play them all as a cool proof-of-concept, but requires far more expert-level work to making them sound nice.

I probably won't contiue fiddling with this computer, as I know that its far beyond my knowledge to get the tunes sounding nice - time to move on to another, slower, 8 bitter.