1 (edited by garvalf 2024-07-02 17:44:48)

Topic: 1bit music, chiptune on a French podcast


at the moment I'm listening to a french podcast about chiptune, if you can understand French it's very interesting. After 30 minutes and a presentation of the Atari TIA chip, there is something about 1-bit music with some Mr BEEP and Tim Follins's musics:

http://makingsound.fr/blog/le-podcast-d … hane-picq/

(the time can be shown on the original podcast show: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show … cq-e2gcp0q )

Re: 1bit music, chiptune on a French podcast

Wow, didn't know Stephane Picq was still active yikes

My French hasn't gotten any better over the years so I'm afraid listening to that much of it in one go will make my head explode, but somebody should pester these guys to play some modern 1-bit stuff.

Re: 1bit music, chiptune on a French podcast

I'll maybe show them a link to this forum and also to your sound engines. They are aware of Houston Tracker at least, maybe they've already tried it! I think they also talked about it!