Topic: Microbee computer
Hi all,
The Microbee computer is another 1980's z80 computer (Australian designed & built). Probably unheard of outside of Australia - they were built in their thousands and I would go so far as suggesting that nearly every Primary & High School throughout the country had one or a dozen.
Being bored and doing a little dabbling, the speaker hangs off bit 6 on Port 2 of it PIO chip via a single transistor.
I've made the very simple changes to a number of various engines, and have managed to get a few beep bop dreadful sounds coming out an emulator. I think that the emu that I'm using just isn't emulating sound correctly. Acknowledging that the earlier Microbee's were only 2 Mhz, the later 32mb keyboards were running at 3 point something Mhz.
I have found four Microbee emulators:
- MESS/MAME : can't for the life of me work out how to load in object code & execute. Needs more experimenting.
- Nanowasp (local install as well as an online version; neither supports sound at all)
- Ubee512 : can not get it to load the ROMs correctly.
- PiccoMozzy Mbee32k. This works great, but I feel as though it does not emulate sound output correctly.
I have two Microbee computers sitting on the ground underneath my parents house. Will have to dig them out, see if either works, and then attempt a WAV file load-in of the players. I feel as though if I were to give someone with a working Microbee system these assembled players, they'd just work and sound like they had intended to.
Anyway, I'll post up a reply If I ever get anywhere with this little side project.