1 (edited by monodeer 2020-11-16 21:31:25)

Topic: HT2 crashing (TI-83+)


My name is Mark: newbie here and HT2 enthusiast.  But... my interaction with HT2 on my TI83+ have been quite short so far unfortunately. After running HT2 for a short time, the program keeps crashing. This results in clearing the RAM of my TI.

I tried I tried 'archive' the program in Doors but also without. It keeps crashing. I think DOORS is already having memory issues. After I installed HT2, the GUI gives some error messages regarding the RAM (see attachement): when I want to fold out the menu on the bottom left corner it says: not enough RAM.

Anyone else ran into this problem or has salved this problem? Any thoughts?


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Re: HT2 crashing (TI-83+)

Do you mean this error message in Doors occurs directly after installing HT2, even before running the tracker?

Just to clarify: Mark has been in touch with me about this for a while, but so far I'm pretty clueless as to what's going on here. I cannot reproduce the issue on my 83+, in any case. So I'd definitely appreciate some help.

Some additional pieces of information (please correct me if I got anything wrong, Mark):

- Tested it on 2 different TIs, so we can most likely rule out faulty Flash memory or other hardware issues.
- Ran full memory reset before installing, so we can rule out relocation failure because of VARS table size.
- The issue occurs with both the normal and the "small" version, so we can rule out problems with relocation.
- We have not been able to establish a specific pattern behind the crashes. They seem to occur at random times.
- There is at least one more recent report from a different person having issues with HT2 crashing on 83+: https://old.reddit.com/r/TI_Calculators … n_tracker2

Re: HT2 crashing (TI-83+)

Do you mean this error message in Doors occurs directly after installing HT2, even before running the tracker?

Yes. Nothing is wrong with Doors. After I install HT2, it gives the error I described.

Some additional pieces of information (please correct me if I got anything wrong, Mark

- Tested it on 2 different TIs, so we can most likely rule out faulty Flash memory or other hardware issues.
- Ran full memory reset before installing, so we can rule out relocation failure because of VARS table size.
- The issue occurs with both the normal and the "small" version, so we can rule out problems with relocation.
- We have not been able to establish a specific pattern behind the crashes. They seem to occur at random times.
- There is at least one more recent report from a different person having issues with HT2 crashing on 83+: https://old.reddit.com/r/TI_Calculators … n_tracker2

Exactly. I tried the 'archiving' as well but it did not change anything. Guess I maybe just need to get myself a TI82! Or anyone that might have a clue?

Re: HT2 crashing (TI-83+)

Aha! Then there's a good chance TI-Connect is actually corrupting the ht2.8xp file. Could you try installing it with TiLP instead?