Topic: 7 days, 7 (new) beeper engines
As promised, I'll go a bit crazy this week (well, more than usual anyway) and release a new beeper engine every day. So let's get right to it
Day 1: qaop, aka Quite Accurate Overdriven Player
- 2 channel PCM WAV playback
- uses looped 256 byte samples
- up to 3 bit sample depth, downmixed to 3-bit output (silence + 6 volume levels)
- 16-bit frequency resolution
- 3 interrupting click drum sounds
- per-row speed control
- 15.6 KHz mixing
example tune
download (includes XM converter, Perl required as usual)
This one I'm quite proud of. It basically fixes all the issues in my earlier rawp engine. qaop fast enough to hide the discretion noise, and has stable tuning due to using proper 16-bit frequency counters. And there is a bonus: When mixing two loud enough samples, the engine will overdrive, which will give you some extra crunch, as heard on the kick drums in the example tune.
The downside is that the XM converter is very basic - if you want to use any additional samples (which is the whole point of this engine), you'll have to hack them in yourself.