Topic: help with Beepola on Linux (wine, pulseaudio)
I wanted to use Beepola on my main linux box with the wine "emulator", but it behaves rather strange, first it sounds ok for 3 seconds, then the sound is distorded, like it's in a vacuum, with slowdown and noise. It's because of the pulseaudio sh*t: on another computer, as soon as I killed the pulseaudio task, I got a good, clean sound.
Now, on those computers, even with pulseaudio, sounds in games are ok though. Maybe beepola is more CPU intensive, I don't know.
Both computers are using the same distribution, Linux Mint. Yet, on the first one when I kill pulseaudio I still get (better) sounds, but on the other, when I kill pulseaudio, then it no longer produce any sounds
Any idea?
I cannot completely get rid of pulseaudio, this sh*t is so much intricated into the linux ecosystem, that many applications won't work properly if it's disabled
Btw, talking about beepola, I found this thread with astonishing tunes by FrankT: … -wip-tunes