Re: upcoming beeper compos

Cheers Garvalf

.Tap sounds great, like the border FX too smile

Would never has guessed 'squeek' engine, I thought it was Octode XL or maybe Octode 2K15/2K16


Re: upcoming beeper compos

Hehe yes, Squeeker is quite a beast. I'm planning to do an enhanced version with drums and stuff soon.

Anyway, up next: Chaos Constructions!

Re: upcoming beeper compos

the border fx is already built-in with the engine I think. A version with drums would be wonderful!


Re: upcoming beeper compos

Indeed, the border fx are a by-product of the sound generator. It's like this in almost all engines (because the port that sets the beeper state also sets the border colour), so usually there is some small chunk of code to explicitly mask the border fx. I personally like border fx (and will sometimes even customize them a bit, like in beepertoy), but it's considered bad style in the demoscene. In case of Squeeker border effects would be especially tedious to mask, so as the engine was written to be compact, there is no masking.

Re: upcoming beeper compos

Cheers utz, didn't know that.

Just curious, why do you think it's considered bad style in the demo scene?


Re: upcoming beeper compos

Not sure about the motivation behind that. I assume it's because Speccy demosceners are aware that the challenge lies in masking the effect. Also, because having those stripes in the border might distract from the actual design of the demo (or game). In the end, it's a matter of taste methinks.

57 (edited by garvalf 2016-08-27 15:39:52)

Re: upcoming beeper compos

They're playing the beeper compo now:

(edit) : "Black roses will blossom" is very impressive!  The first tune was cool too.

For my own tune I don't know why first the sound was ok, then suddenly went very low and only came back to a normal level at the end sad
Using google translate for the live steam, some people said something like: "Well, at least to admire the stripes" "people you hear the music can not be heard by swapping" "French silence". Maybe their Pentagon saturated too much with the Squeeker Plus engine...

There were only 3 participants for the beeper.

Now it's AY music.

Re: upcoming beeper compos

I look forward to listening to your Squeeker Plus tune and the other two.

Only 3 entries?  I must admit, I didn't have time to write anything myself. Oh well.

I actually have a Russian guy sitting next to me at work which is great as I often ask him to translate text from forums etc.


Re: upcoming beeper compos

Road song
by aturbidflow

WOW! tritone source available?

60 (edited by gotoandplay 2016-08-29 20:05:24)

Re: upcoming beeper compos

utz congrats on the win. was a kickass track!

Re: upcoming beeper compos

@xxl, apart from being a great composition, this is also a modded Tritone engine, with reduced row-to-row transition noise and removed I/O contention noise.

Re: upcoming beeper compos

I thought all three tracks were great.

Couldn't guess which engine utz's track used and I actually thought 'Road Song' used the Savage engine when I first heard it. Certainly sounds cleaner than other tritone engined tunes!


Re: upcoming beeper compos

Cheers guys, I also think all the tracks were pretty damn good. Also, great to see a new face in the compo.

To my shame I have to admit I didn't recognize the engine used for Road Song yikes Modded Tritone, you say? Interesting, I presume you had a hand in this, introspec?

Re: upcoming beeper compos

Battle of the Bits Winter Chip XII has a ZX beeper contest: … +Chip+XII/


Re: upcoming beeper compos

Got a track in the pipes for this. Nothing great, just some simple PhaserX punk rock. Still need to polish it up a bit though.

Re: upcoming beeper compos

Yeah, polish it a bit, but not two bit please wink


Re: upcoming beeper compos

So there will be a beeper compo at Chaos Constructions '18 (August 25-26). However, since the organizers in their infinite wisdom decided to make the party website Russian only, I will not participate in this one.

Re: upcoming beeper compos

I still don't know if the party going to be held this year, and where is their website at all (they have plenty, can't find 2018 one).

website - 1bit music - other music - youtube - bandcamp - patreon - twitter (latest news there)


Re: upcoming beeper compos looks freshly updated and it's the one they gave as official on etc, so I assume that's the one.

Re: upcoming beeper compos

Interesting. Never seen this one, and there is silence all around russian web (at least to me) regarding this year. Moreover, this website only lists planned compos, but there is no details, no rules, not even contacts to send entries. My guess this is a website for visitors only.

website - 1bit music - other music - youtube - bandcamp - patreon - twitter (latest news there)

Re: upcoming beeper compos

Finally, a website with compo rules and explaination on how to send an entry, with the english version:

website - 1bit music - other music - youtube - bandcamp - patreon - twitter (latest news there)

Re: upcoming beeper compos

DiHalt 2019 Winter
4-5-6 January
Beeper Music Compo


Re: upcoming beeper compos

Yes! Thanks for the reminder, Vinnny. I'll try to make something but can't promise.

Re: upcoming beeper compos

Congrats, utz! A winner combo of impressive engine and tune! Actually wanted to use wtbeep too, but didn't have enough time to make a fully new song, had to rely on unfinished backlog.

website - 1bit music - other music - youtube - bandcamp - patreon - twitter (latest news there)


Re: upcoming beeper compos

Thanks, Shiru. I'm not terribly proud of this one, actually. Except for the ghost notes in the section starting at 0:45, really like how those turned out. Think your track is great, too, classic Shiru style. Wanted to send another track, but same problem: not enough time to finish it.