@Shiru: Well, Follin's engine is virtually unusable, and I've used ZX-10 excessively (and everybody else hates it). But, I see your point and agree. tBeepr and Beep Tracker would also fall under the "age limit", so yep, best use an "excluding" list.
@Tufty: Hehe, that'd be a pretty damn long list by now Think it's indeed best to do a list with disallowed engines, and for the rest direct users to http://randomflux.info/1bit/viewtopic.php?id=25. (I have to check if that one's actually up to date though).
@garvalf: There once was a -rather successful- Beeper BotB battle. But it was a one-time thing, quite sure I'd have a hard time convincing puke7 to host another one any time soon considering how packed the battle schedule is nowadays. Anyway BotB does a good job of drawing attention to 1-bit music either way, seeing how zxbeep is now one of the most popular formats on there aside from the "big ones" (nsf*, s3xmodit, wild).
Ok, I'll try to make a start on "the" list then.
The following engines would be disallowed:
- FuzzClick (Special FX/Orfeus)
- Huby
- Music Studio
- Octode (should that include the XL, 2k15 and PWM variants?)
- Qchan
- Phaser1
- ROMbeep
- Savage (should include newcore imo)
- Tritone
- Wham! The Music Box
Any others I forgot? What about ZX-7, -10, and -16? ZX-7 has been used quite a bit in the old days. For the rest we had the Tribute compilation, so those engines have had their spotlight already. I think we might also want to give a "recommended" list, which should include Phaser 2/3, fluidcore, and perhaps quattropic.
Edit: Squeeker and BT'man need more love, too, imo.