(164 replies, posted in Sinclair)

Thanks! I can confirm it works. Interesting to see this in action, in any case. I'll have to play more with it to see how I'll use it in practise. No time right now but winter is coming...

Edit: Just as I was writing the above, I thought of something. I recently composed a somewhat longer track directly in asm. As I went along, I found myself relying more and more on macros, up to a point where almost the entire track was completely macro-ized. Now, I could definitely imagine using reference blocks in a similar fashion, ie. create a "fake" kick or whatever, give that a name, then improve it later on and use Ctrl-Shift-P to update all the occurances.

However, there are two problems with this. First of all, I've been using a lot of parametric macros as well, eg. for a variable starting pitch on a kick. This could work with the block ref system if a ref update would (optionally) ignore all data in the child blocks that do not match the parent.

The second problem is more serious. Basically, I wouldn't want to create a seperate block for each kick in the track - that would completely defeat the main purpose that blocks currently serve, which is quick navigation and easy copy/pasting of song sections. So basically this would require ref blocks to be a separate thing from the current block sections.

Well, just throwing out some ideas here, obviously nothing really thought out.


(164 replies, posted in Sinclair)

Trying to get this to work, not sure what I'm doing wrong. I create a block, name it "intro", then move the cursor to a new position, type Ctrl+Q intro, nothing happens.

Btw I think it would be a good idea to move down the help page description for Ctrl-F to where the other block commands are explained. Also, for "copy or insert an existing block by typing in its name", you could omit the "in".


(43 replies, posted in Atari)

I stumbled across it on HackerNews, so quite likely it either came from there or Hackaday.


(164 replies, posted in Sinclair)

Shiru wrote:

I also got an idea for another big improvement to the pattern-less system, a link for the already defined named blocks, but I'm still not exactly sure how to implement it interface-wise. It certainly would be a front-end side feature, so no changes needed for the engine scripts. Basically, we already have blocks of variable length and with an optional name. That name can be used as a reference for a 'link' that would synchronize contents of the same-sized same-named blocks. So you would be able to edit one block, and it automatically updates all linked blocks.

I'd need more information on this to make an informed judgement, but generally I think that's a terrain that needs to be treaded very carefully. With automatic updates, there's a risk that you'd accidentally destroy part of your work. Also, 1tracker's current copy/paste-centric approach has the advantage of encouraging variation. When I copy a section and later change some detail in one section, I'll usually apply the changes slightly differently in other copies of that section, often not even deliberately. Happy little accidents, to say it with Bob Ross. For me, it's one of the great strengths of 1tracker. I would possibly be more happy if the updates were manual, that is, you select a source block and one or more target blocks and then issue a command to sync them up.

Generally speaking, I've fully embraced the post-pattern age, haha. My latest pet peeve is actually something else - ticks. And I don't mean the ones that crawl around in the forest trying to kill you with a myriad of diseases. Yeah, those suck, too. Literally. Anyway. Having to deal with ticks aka row length aka speed is annoying. So you start to work on a melody or whatever. Now you want to add some ornaments, so you Ctrl-E that sucker a couple of times. Add yer ornaments, but now you want to save RAM so you optimize the rows. Now all your blocks have odd lengths and it becomes really hard to keep track of where the block borders should be when you move around stuff.

Leaving aside the implications of row transition noise, I think it boils down to this: You always want Speed 1 resolution (especially for 1- and 2-channel engines), but a) you don't want rows with no changes in your output data and b) you don't want all those rows cluttering your tracker view. a) can be solved by having the compiler collapse empty rows, so the big question is how to solve b). I haven't been able to come up with any good solutions yet, it's just something I keep thinking about.

Btw I believe 1tracker's RowOpt feature is wonky. The following:

Sp T
02 C-4
.. ...
.. ...
.. ...
03 D-4
.. ...
.. ...
.. ...
04 E-4

will be optimized to

04 C-4
04 ...
04 D-4
04 ...
04 E-4

which is obviously incorrect.


(8 replies, posted in Sinclair)

Yes, I think just take the synth core would be the best option. From what is disassembled so far I can't really tell how much work that would be, though.


(43 replies, posted in Atari)

The problem is that a) MIC output is on average VERY quiet compared to EAR (-0.3V vs -5V and b) MIC output differs wildly across Speccy board revisions (let alone across models). So it's not that useful by itself, but I want to try and use MIC for reverb one day.

Edit: I tried it on my 48k (board rev 4B iirc), it was barely audible.


(8 replies, posted in Sinclair)

That's a great find mate, thanks a lot for sharing!

The music data here is made up of four components [...]

That's ... scary. I've barely ever gotten a few half-way decent squeaks out of YS 3-channel component, lol. Perhaps the data format could be normalized a bit, though? Maybe it could even streamline the loader part a bit. Anyway, hope ZoomTen gets back to untangeling the rest at some point.


(164 replies, posted in Sinclair)

The Side track feature is fantastic! I didn't know that I wanted it, but now that I know what it is, I totally want it. 1tracker once again innovating the tracker space.

The Main and Side tracks can be played separately or mixed together.

I don't fully understand this part. I know I can turn Side track playback on or off with Ctrl+F5, but what's the intended workflow to listen just to the Side Track? Mark the entire track and do Ctrl+T?

How would it be to have a possibility to somehow swap/copy/blend a section the current side buffer contents at an arbitrary position or even another track? I guess that would require some sort of visual representation of the Side tracks though. Perhaps have 3 display options: Side tracks off; show the all side tracks next to the Main track view; or show all side track columns next to their respective main track column. Side tracks would be shown in a different color, but otherwise act as regular tracks as far as editing is concerned.

Also since when has 1tracker had this RowOpt feature? Only noticed it now, that's great to have, too.

Still problems with peskysoundzx, on first run:

engines/peskysoundzx.1te (459, 1) : INFO : Compiling void Compile(uint, uint, uint, uint)
[1]    15724 segmentation fault  ./1tracker

Also the z80ass error persists, unfortunately.


(43 replies, posted in Atari)

Shiru wrote:

Oh, actually you're reminded me one interesting topic. I recall someone already attempted it, but generally it is totally underexplored, I believe. The idea is to generate audio using the video output. Like, we often put colored strips to the screen when a beeper engine is working (because Spectrum shares border color selection with the sound output bit). These strips actually produce voltage changes in the video signal at audible frequencies. It is possible to display patterns on the screen that will produce certain tones, and by changing the patterns it is possible to play music.

Like this? https://github.com/luamfb/tempest-lcd
I also faintly recall nitro2k1 doing something along those lines on Gameboy.


(43 replies, posted in Atari)

Awesome tune Shiru, hyperactivity at it's best hehe. Too bad there weren't any more entries. You're welcome to blame me for that, too, though on the other hand you'd have steamrolled me with this one


(43 replies, posted in Atari)

From what I remember SV isn't super strict with these deadlines. They are more there to motivate people to send stuff earlier than last minute, but I don't think they actually refuse entries that arrive later. I've definitely send stuff past the deadline before.

Haha, I was watching the demo (the live yt version, hoping a proper recording will appear soon) and thinking: "Hmm, this music sounds really Shiru-like. But it can't be. I wonder who did it.". And then the credits rolled... Turned out great, really good interplay with the visuals.

I don't quite understand about the MOD end part. Wouldn't the best approach be to take the whole song and have the converter chop it up to create an optimal set of sample data? Or was there no time to build an "intelligent" converter for this?


(43 replies, posted in Atari)

Thanks for the info! I'll try to make a Squat tune for the GTIA compo but I can't guarantee anything.


(5 replies, posted in Sinclair)

I finally got around to listening to it, dammit. Fantastic little release! Serenity sounds like it could have been an intro for Space Beeps yikes Love the arps galore on Mech Dance.

thwill wrote:

doesn't explicitly have any concept of a "rest", though that would be easy enough to add

Rest is an extremely useful feature, definitely worth adding.

thwill wrote:
utz wrote:

If so, you could build yourself an XM converter using either Shiru's Python-based xmlib or my slightly wonky Rust-based xmkit.

I obviously need to do some reading, and will try to do so before I post again. My initial thought is "Convert them into what ?", or is convert a euphamism for "play XM files" here ?

The converter should take an XM file as input and produce the required data statements for your music player. For 1-bit players, we usually use specially crafted XM templates that attempt to give a rough approximation of the final (converted) result, but in your case I think just some generic XM file with a single sine-wave instrument would be fine.

See this 1-bit engine package for an example of such a converter. Feel free to nick the xmkit library - it's pretty bad code, but it's C++.

thwill wrote:
utz wrote:

... you might even be able to convince someone on here to write some music for you.

For my little game that does not seem like a worthwhile use of somebody's time and talent.

The problem is that I'm not sure any of us have any ready made music laying around that fits the constraints of your player. You could, of course, grab some random XM file and convert that, but you'll find that more often than not musicians pack multiple elements of the music in the same channel, so taking a single channel and converting that to your player wouldn't make all that much sense.

A reasonably low-effort solution could be to find a MIDI of, say, the Tron movie theme, import it in an XM editor, edit it a bit to squeeze the main melody into one channel, and finally convert that to data statements for your player.


(2 replies, posted in Sinclair)

Yeah, saw it too, pretty funny. The audio quality is not very good imo but it packs quite a large chunk of wave data. So the compression scheme might be interesting.

cborn wrote:

Warning! The following errors must be corrected before your message can be posted:

    At least 60 seconds have to pass between posts. Please wait a while and try posting again.


lol jij typt te snel

Hi Tom,

Sorting you out with some existing music tracks that are free to use with attribution wouldn't be too difficult I guess. It's the "not too much work to convert" part that has me slightly worried.

Do you have any experience with Python or Rust? If so, you could build yourself an XM converter using either Shiru's Python-based xmlib or my slightly wonky Rust-based xmkit. Once you have that, you might even be able to convince someone on here to write some music for you.

The in-game music you have now doesn't sound like 1-bit music though? Note this forum is about 1-bit music, not 1-channel music. Though Shiru has some music that's both 1-bit and 1-channel - but that wouldn't necessary be that easy to convert.


(164 replies, posted in Sinclair)

Having trouble with the Ear Shaver EX engine.

- When entering data at the loop start position, I get the good old "Engine not provided any data" error, with the addition of

Z80Ass error: label already defined!
Z80Ass error: label already defined!
 706: .loop
 706: .loop

printed to the console, and a single copy of this printed in the GUI.
- Sample import does not work, drums do not play any sound.
- Tempo seems completely messed up, I need values of at least 40 tpr to get any meaningful row length. Also, the drums seem to affect this - rows play a different length depending on the drum. The global tempo setting on the other hand seems to have no effect whatsoever.
- The new mml-style envelope editor is unusable with a qwertz keyboard, since | and * are not recognized (reading your last post on MuzCell I think you found a solution to this already, but thought I'd mention it anyway)


(2 replies, posted in Sinclair)

Well, I certainly won't complain about that set big_smile Couple of really obscure ones, too. Despite all the digging I did back in the day I somehow never came across that Jan Deak track, for example.


(164 replies, posted in Sinclair)

Huh, I never realized that 1tracker was actually released around the 30th anniversary of the Spectrum. Anyway, congratulations on 10 years of what I still consider to be the best tracker in the world.

Regarding whether to switch to an external assembler, I'd say it ultimately doesn't solve the problem at hand. Yes, it'll get you support for a range of platforms without too much trouble, but eventually you'll discover some other obscure platform you'd want to support (Sharp PC cough cough) and find that wla-dx or whatever you chose doesn't suppport it, so you're back to point 0. Secondly, if you're going to link in wla-dx, then 1tracker can't be WTFPL anymore. And that would be sad. Anyway I think it's better to invest time into building a custom extensible multi-target assembler. I believe it's a manageable amount of work.

Regarding pattern-less vs traditional, I'd argue that the pattern-based approach represents a local maximum - it's good, but it's ultimately sub-optimal. Therefore it makes sense to continue innovating with a pattern-less approach in 1tracker. I think showing that a different approach to tracking is viable is actually one of the project's main achievements. That said, I believe it's possible to implement a pattern-less abstraction on top of a pattern-based implementation, if you ever want to go down that route. Probably not worth the effort, though.

That sounds indeed like a very interesting beast. Quite capable but at the same time distinctly lo-fi. Consider me hyped for this journey of yours.

Thanks, great to see the beeper love continue down under. Also, looks like you're living in a really nice place.

I think I can support the Vtech machines fairly easily in bintracker, btw. Not sure when I'll get around to it though.


(135 replies, posted in Sinclair)

Next iteration. Up to 24.3 KHz sample rate, don't think I can go much faster.
And yes, this is completely pointless...

At this rate you'll have polyphony figured out before us, hehe.

It seems you missed the attachment. The system is a bit stupid, you have to first select the file with the Browse button but then also hit the Add File button.


(135 replies, posted in Sinclair)
