Re: 1tracker v0.47

Yeah, it is a bug. Actually I didn't test TAP/SCL exports, and I forgot they (the BASIC part) were hard-coded for #8000 blocks.

Will fix it soon. It is just not very easy to generate BASIC code from a program, it has quite a complicated structure.

For now you can MERGE the loader and replace the 32768 to 25088, it'll work.

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Re: 1tracker v0.47

Fixed it, replace this file in the /engines/ directory.

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Re: 1tracker v0.47

Another update. In order to cover more of the digital/sample-based Spectrum engines I'm doing some changes in the sound backend. I encapsulated Game_Music_Emu into an intermediate library called PlayLayer. At the moment it only uses GME, but the GME has been modified by me, so it is forked from the main version. Now there is Covox, Stereo Covox, and SounDrive support in GME's AY emulator, so you can use these devices in Sample Tracker engine now.

PlayLayer's purpose is to simplify adding other container formats without adding them into GME. I can just add any emu/player I want into this library, and it'll decide whatever should be used to play a data chunk. The intent behind it is that in order to support 128K+ sample-based engines I need to use a container other than AY, and a regular emulator Z80/SNA snapshot seems to be a reasonable choice, so this may be added eventually, without integrating it inside GME (which would be a major headache).

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Re: 1tracker v0.47

Thanks for the hard work, Shiru.

To compile with GCC/Clang, two small changes are needed. makefile:103 should read

playplayer/playplayer.o: playlayer/playlayer.cpp

and playplayer/playplayer.h must #include <cstddef> to make size_t available.

Re: 1tracker v0.47

Many thanks Shiru.

I've managed to compile a sampletracker .tap now which plays great. I'm very excited about writing a tune with this engine.
It doesn't exit to basic though on pressing a key. Seems to get stuck in a loop ?


Re: 1tracker v0.47

Yeah, it has quite a non-trivial exit routine, overlooked some things. Fixed, re-download the main archive.

website - 1bit music - other music - youtube - bandcamp - patreon - twitter (latest news there)

Re: 1tracker v0.47

Brilliant. Thanks Shiru

Re: 1tracker v0.47

Regarding the sample tracker, (...and I realise that no one may want to reply to this)
Acknowledging that it uses the original ZX code with its IM2, is it at all theoretically possible to remove/MOVE the entire IM2 routine, and for the engine to run & play in IM1 (rst #38)?  or even in IM0?

The VZ/Laser does not support IM2 and would love to try to get this sample tracker working on this computer.
As you can also tell, I have zero knowledge on IM2 (other than reading about it) and, if the above IM0/IM1 is possible, it will give me something to fiddle with for ages until I get it working.


Re: 1tracker v0.47

it certainly should be possible at cost of some sound quality. IM2 is used there to avoid having a loop counter inside the sample loop, because the whole thing is very heavy on register use. The counter instead located inside IM2 handler and it breaks the sample loop once it played enough frames.

website - 1bit music - other music - youtube - bandcamp - patreon - twitter (latest news there)

Re: 1tracker v0.47

Shiru wrote:

it certainly should be possible at cost of some sound quality.

Many thanks Shiru.

Re: 1tracker v0.47

Requiring verification from someone else:
All examples play perfecto, except for ZX10.  As soon as the ZX10 example is selected and loaded in, 1tracker freezes.
Just my computer,? or something gone astray in v0.47?   No biggie at all, just curious.


Re: 1tracker v0.47

Can confirm. Prints

Warning: trying to read song data row -1145383 column 4

repeatedly with increasingly large negative offsets, effectively freezing the program.


Re: 1tracker v0.47

Confirmed, the script got broken a bit during the recent updates. Re-uploaded the archive with a fixed one.

website - 1bit music - other music - youtube - bandcamp - patreon - twitter (latest news there)


Re: 1tracker v0.47

Any music appearing on this engine with 1bit samples? I so regret that I have no musical talent hmm


Re: 1tracker v0.47

Musical talent is overrated lol


Re: 1tracker v0.47

Hi, after playing around with Archie in 1tracker a bit, I decided to modify the engine plugin a little to better suit my needs. Sharing the modded engine here in case someone else will find it useful.

The changes are:

- Applies half as much detune. x*2 detunes too much on an engine with 12-bit dividers, imo.
- Phase offsets are now log(x)-based. This is useful because it mirrors the relation between phase offset and volume, ie. we're mostly interested in values close to phase inversion.

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archie.1te 16.76 kb, 1 downloads since 2024-12-23 

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Re: 1tracker v0.47

Good, will include it into a next release.

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