Before sharing the document here, I have shared in on FB in https://www.facebook.com/groups/z80asm/, where I got suggestions to actually contact you via this forum.
In the meantime, I have received following feedback, that might be interesting for you:
* Chris Walsh
Hiya, just looking at the very first routine, and something isn't right about the A ("state") register and the OUT commands. For example, you're setting A to 0 (XOR A) on the first line before the channel 1 loop but then setting it to 10h after the look and just after the OUT. The same issue occurs in the channel 2 routine. Are you missing two more OUTs after setting the A register? Thanks for the docs BTW.
* from Simon N Goodwin:
Thanks for sharing.
In the context of the Spectrum (the focus of this group) it would be wise to remind readers that RAM as well as I/O is contended so loops like this should be in ROM (the only option for a 16K Spectrum) or the top 32K of 48K Spectrum RAM, or the right 64K half (which varies by model) of RAM on a Spectrum 128. If you haven’t altered the default paging, RAM addresses from 32768 to 49151 are always uncontended.
As regards source readability, the comments need rewrapping - they run off the edge of the PDF pages.